Spiritual Counseling * Angelic Energy, Shamanic Healing*
Intuitive, Angel Angel Energy, Holy Fire Reiki, Kundalini, Artist, Teacher, Shamanic Practitioner, Oracle ,Reverand
Intuitive, Angel Angel Energy, Holy Fire Reiki, Kundalini, Artist, Teacher, Shamanic Practitioner, Oracle ,Reverand
I am a Medium, Empath, Intuitive, Mystic, Angelic Energy Shamanic Practitioner, Teacher, Reverend, Artist, Master Oracle Card Reader & offer Oracle & Spiritual Counseling as well as healings for those people looking to release what no longer serves them. I embrace my gifts and my desire is to help people find and accept their truths & release things stopping them from being a hostage to their past and living their highest good.
From a Reading get the validation you have been seeking and the guidance to start making the changes that you have been afraid to make . From a Healing, you’ll receive the love and support from your Angels and your Ancestors, to release the fears that limit you, and bring back your lost soul pieces, giving you the wisdom, strength and encouragement to help you rise you out of the darkness.
I am accredited by the International Association of Therapists & the Academy of Ancient Magik, the Association of Angel Visionary Apprentice program and the Oracle Card Academy of Ros Place & the International Center for Reiki training.
It's easy to unravel when you allow yourself to be affected by the energy of the world
Meditate. You can listen to music or go to YouTube like I do, I am a pretty busy person, so I look up Steve Nobel, or Ros Place for guided meditations. They truly help!
Go for a walk in nature. I find sitting at a park on the grass or on a bench and meditating to the sounds of the birds, water and other noises actually is faster to ground me than a guided mediation!
Welcome the spirit of the East to help you plant seeds of growth in your life! Then welcome the spirit of the South to awaken your child like wonder and to find the courage to grow! Welcome the spirit of the West to help you release what no longer aligns with you, and welcome the spirit of the North to ground you and give you a time of rest, and focus.
The happier you are, the higher your vibration gets!
Be grateful for everything you take for granted! For getting up again in the morning, to being able to walk, for having food to eat and clean water to drink, be thankful!
It's easy to give the same negative energy back to someone else, It's harder and courageous to realize that person, place or thing, triggered you and even more courageous to find out why and deal with that why. Release yourself from that prison!
Alot of what we allow ourselves to experience is because we think we deserve it for something we have done in the past. Forgive yourself and mean it. Remember we are all a "work in progress" and constantly learning and growing. We can give ourselves permission to change our minds. It doesn't mean you were wrong before, you are entitled to learn, grow and change your mind!
I believe in these times, we must show each other grace and I want to make sure that you have a way to navigate through the things that may be consuming you: fear, stress, grief, anger, anxiousness just to say a few, and I will be there for you! I would prefer you email me so we can work out what you need, and I take payment by Paypal or Venmo or Zelle. Contact me to get through your storm confidentially and with no judgment. crystalblueoracle.com email: crystalblueoracle@yahoo.com
Email me at crystalalblueoracle@yahoo.com to make an appointment or I also do my readings through Zoom or by phone!
Spring Fairs 2025
Colorado Spring Body, Mind, Spirit Expo (BMSE) March 7, 2025 Friday 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Booth 35
Colorado Springs Event Center March 8, 2025 Saturday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
3960 Palmer Park Blvd. March 9, 2025 Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Speaking at noon on Sunday, room 2
Belu Olisa Spring Holistic Fair March 15, 2025 Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Ranch/Larimer County Fairgrounds March 16, 2025 Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. $10 for 1 day, $15 for 2. Go to Belu Olis website to find out
South Exhibition Hall how to get discounts & help the community!
5280 Arena Circle
Loveland, CO 80538
Pueblo Holistic Fair April 5, 2025 Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Booth 19
320 Central Main Street April 6, 2025 Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Pueblo, CO 81003 Entry fee $5.00 daily cash admission, 12 and under free
Denver Body, Mind, Spirit Expo (BMSE) April 25, 2025 Friday 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Booth 17
National Western Complex Expo April 26, 2025 Saturday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
4655 N. Humboldt April 27, 2025 Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Denver, CO 80216
Speaking at 10 a.m. on Sunday, room 1002
On my last podcast, my daughter and I spoke of books we are reading. Here is the list.
A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose - Eckhart Tolle
Journey of Souls - Michael Newton
Destiny of Souls - Michael ewton
Between Death and Life - Dolores Cannon
The Custodians - Dolores Cannon
The Convoluted Universe: Book 1-4 - Dolores Cannon
Soul Speak - Julia Cannon
Edgar Casey on the Akashic Records - Kevin J. Todeschi
The Sofia Code - Kaia Ra
Deep Blue - Elsabe Smit
Shine - Elsabe Smit
Soul Retrieval Journey - Sandra Ingerman
Journey out the Body - Robert A. Monroe
Emerald Tablets - Billy Carson
The Three Magical Books Of Solomon : The Greater Key of Solomon, The Testament of Solomon, The Lesser Key of Solomon - Aleister Crowley, F.C Conybear
Words of Wisdom - Tatyana N. Mickushina
Curandisimo Soul Retrieval - Erika Buenaflor MA JD
The Ra Contact - Don Elkins
The Game of Life and How to Play it - Florence Scovel Shinn
The Untethered Soul - Michael A. Singer
Creating Money - Sanaya Roman
There is a River, The story of Edgar Casey - Thomas Sugrue
When Things Fall Apart - Pema Chodron
Heal Your Body - Louise Hay
Illusions - Richard Bach
As Easy Guide to Meditation - Roy Eugene Davis
Autobiography of a Yogi - Parmahansa Yogananda
Being Peace - Thich Nhat Hahn
The Artis's Way - Julia Cameron
Awakening The Luminous Mind - Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Waking The Tiger - Peter Levine
The Bhagavad Gita by Yogi Ramacharaka
To Hear The Angels Sing by Dorothy Maclean
Embracing The Beloved by Stephan & Ondrea Levine
You Are God - Get Over It! by Story Waters
Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith
Energy Ecstasy and Your Seven Vital Chakras by Bernard Gunther
Metaphysical Bible Dictionary by Unity
Living Unteathered by Michael A. Singer
You can find most of them on Audible or Amazon.
Love and Light!
Are you needing guidance? I use the Oracle cards to express guidance, direction and insight to help others.